Katherine Choong, personal branding of a passionate person. 

Just as companies cultivate their brand, some individuals (the majority of whom are sportsmen and women) now need to do the same for themselves. After Lara Gut, we worked with our new muse Katherine Choong, a professional climber, to define precisely the brand values she represents, as well as the translation of these values through a visual identity, content and a fundraising brochure.

In many areas of sport, sponsorship, co-branding and branding are becoming the main tools that allow athletes to benefit from financial support, to make their efforts profitable and to live from their passion in the long term. In order not to be overlooked, and in light of the competition, increasingly qualitative fundraising projects are expected. Thus, the role of a solid brand image on the part of the sponsored party is essential so that potential interested parties can easily approach them and feel in tune with it.

Thank you to Katherine for agreeing to talk about her experience with the agency, and for representing values that are important to us.