50 years of >moser
Because 50 is the perfect age to take on new challenges and fulfill new dreams
If last April 1st marked the agency’s anniversary, a 50th anniversary deserves to be celebrated throughout the year! It’s the perfect opportunity to step back, reflect, and share a drink in an exceptional vineyard.
Unlike the saying, “the bottle doesn’t matter as long as we get drunk,” at >moser, they’ve always paid equal attention to both form and substance. That’s why, for their 50th anniversary, they once again aimed to combine the two: an original wine creation in an exceptional bottle… A big thank you to Wannaz & Co.
Because three is always better!
At 50, it’s time to shake up habits, see things differently, and be even more creative. This anniversary is their opportunity to open new perspectives. By welcoming the Bontron&Co agency into their offices, together with the Up to You agency (a partner of >moser for over a year), they aim to create a true HUB (the MUB) — a center of expertise bringing together strengths in branding, signage, editorial work, digital, and social media, fostering synergies that encourage creative work.
By uniting three teams under one roof, they create a collaborative mix, an ecosystem that opens up new horizons, enriches creativity, and sparks inspiration. Emphasizing complementarity allows >moser, Bontron&Co, and Up to You to design a new model of relationships between three independent agencies, energizing both their shared and individual creative work. Three independent agencies prioritizing collaboration and exchange — this is the first step toward a new way of approaching the years to come.